Let’s Catch Up
The beginning of December marked Country Fox’s one year anniversary. It has been one very long and challenging year and a couple of months thanks to COVID.
We had to get creative and find places to cover when nothing was open. Readers went on jaunts around the area and explored local history with us. When businesses were open again we began to take the readers into local shops.

Country Fox introduced readers to some creepy locations during the month of October and some creepy traditions in December.

The year challenged me each week to find new subjects all while hindered by government restrictions and safety concerns. 2021 has yet to be different from most of last year.
Each week I attempt to come up with new places to go, except now I am hindered not only by weather but something else. COVID wasn’t the only thing bringing challenges. Some of my struggles last year were physical. I suffered from extreme fatigue and other various health complaints.
Health Issues
For years now my fatigue has come and gone, getting worse each time. Mental fatigue that was just as bad as physical fatigue. Every year I have talked with my family doctor about it and my other health issues. So every year I have had a variety of blood work run to see if anything could be found.
A few years ago, hypothryoidism was found. I started on medication. I was hopeful that this would be it. We found the problem and now we could solve it. Despite the medication working and my lab results getting into a healthy range, I was still fatigued. My weight continued to climb. More joints hurt. The brain fog was awful.
Last October, during my yearly doctor appointment I brought up all of my issues with the doctor. She listened and asked some questions. Decided on a bigger and more specific panel of blood work.
Days went by and my results trickled in. I understood what many of my results meant, but a few had me confused and concerned. I called my doctor and set up a visit to discuss my results.
Autoimmune Diagnosis
Finally, I had answers. I have an autoimmune disease. We then talked about my results, what it means for me long term, and my treatment plan. After it was over, I could have cried. I was first and foremost relieved. After that I was scared but determined. At least I had an answer. Years of feeling terrible were finally validated. I no longer felt like I was crazy.
To suffer from something invisible, like fatigue, can be very stressful. You try to rest and it doesn’t help. You try to do all the things people your age are supposed to do and feel like a failure when you can’t. People don’t believe you because they don’t see it. They think you are being dramatic or lazy.
I have Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD). It is a rare autoimmune disorder. It has signs and symptoms of three different connective tissue disorders: systemic lupus, scleroderma and polymyositis. Those with MCTD may also have symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis and Raynaud’s. It may also affect the heart, lungs, skin, kidneys, muscle weakness and issues with the esophagus.
So what caused this disease? No one knows. Autoimmune disorders cause the immune system to fight itself. My body is literally creating cells to attack itself. Genetics play a role, as well as many other things.
Depending on when it is caught and how well patients respond to treatment will determine their survival rates. Mine has been caught early and I have begun medication to stop its advancement.
There is no cure for MCTD only treatment. I started medication in December. There is one other thing that may help and it is one of the things keeping me from blogging. Diet.
Country Fox Explores AIP
Many people who suffer from autoimmune diseases have a damaged intestinal tract and food intolerances. When your intestines are damaged they can let small particles pass through that it shouldn’t. “Leaky gut” or increased intestinal impermeability only makes the disease worse. It gives the body more to fight causing more inflammation and more damage. There is a way to heal the intestinal tract.

Following the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) or sometimes called Autoimmune Paleo helps to heal the body. AIP is an elimination diet. All foods known to cause issues within the body are removed for three months or longer. When you feel as though you have healed enough, you begin to reintroduce foods one at a time, starting with the least offending. The reintroduction process could take months or even years. Because I am still in the Elimination phase, I can’t dine at any food or drink establishments.
I am currently excluding all grains, pseudo grains, soy, dairy including butter, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, paprika) and nuts and seeds including their oils. I know you are asking what it is I am eating. Tons of tasty meals! I have decided to include one recipe a month on my blog. I mean, who doesn’t love food porn? See below for this months recipe.
What can readers look forward to?
Not being able to visit restaurants and bars has been a big hit to my blogging. The weather is hindering my ability to get out to our wonderful local history spots. So for now Country Fox is going to continue posting every other week. I will start back to my weekly blogging in April.
I will be posting recipes once a month. Country Fox has several DIY projects lined up for this year. Tentatively I am signed up for the Path of the Flood Race at the end of May. I will post on this as long as it isn’t canceled like last year.
I have a list of businesses and locations that I would like to cover. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. Comment here or send me an email.
Honey and Ginger Shrimp Salad
Ingredients: Makes 2 Servings.
- 12 oz Large Shrimp
- 2 TBSP Honey
- 2 TBPS Coconut Aminos (soy sauce for those not restricting soy)
- 1 tsp Fresh Ginger grated
- 2 Cloves Garlic, minced
- 2 tsp Avocado Oil
- 4 Cups Greens (whatever you like, I used Spring Mix)
- 1/2 Cup Shredded Carrot
- Radishes, sliced
- 2-4 Green Onions, Sliced
- 1/4 Cup Cilantro, chopped *Optional*
- 1 Avocado Sliced
- 1 Lime, cut in wedges
- 2 TBSP Lime Juice
- 1 tsp Coconut Aminos (or soy sauce)
- 1 tsp Honey
- 2 TBSP Olive Oil
- 1 Clove Garlic, minced
- 1 tsp Ginger, grated
- Pinch of salt
- Defrost shrimp. We used precooked shrimp. You could used raw shrimp, but the cooking time will vary slightly.

2. Combine honey, coconut aminos, garlic and ginger in a mixing bowl. Whisk together. Add shrimp to mix. Set aside.
3. Mix dressing ingredients in small mixing bowl. Set aside.
4. Grate carrot, cut radishes, onions, lime, and avocado. Plate the greens and add cut veggies and avocado.

*While doing Step 4, make sure you have your pets approval of cutting techniques.

5. Heat pan over a medium heat. Add shrimp. Cook a few minutes, allow the sauce to thicken slightly.

6. When shrimp is done, remove from heat. Add to salad. Add dressing. Enjoy!